Onisan Dochira?

Onisan Dochira?

Natsuno Haruo
Onisan Dochira? ~Koushokubaraishi to Toraware no Oni~, Who Is the Demon? ~The Lustful Exorcist and the Captured Demon~, 到底谁是恶鬼啊?好色除妖師和被捕的鬼, 鬼さんどちら? ~好色祓い師と捕われの鬼~
12/11/2022 6:38 AM
&quot;Hmm... were you that happy? Your horn's out.&quot;<br/><br/>A demon girl who doesn't look good on her beautiful face and has been caught by a sadistic extermination shop, Mutsumi. I was tired of being given a strange name, &quot;Tama&quot;, and being forced to take care of the inactive Mutsumi and help exterminate evil spirits.<br/><br/>One day, when Mutsumi tries to escape secretly to the sleeping plow―Mutsumi who woke up pushed her down! ?? <br/><br/>&quot;Sensitivity seems to be good... I'll try it.&quot; <br/><br/>The &quot;mating&quot; that I experienced for the first time made me so confused that my transformation could be unraveled... Even though I'm usually better than a demon, I didn't know that I could make such a face!<br/><br/>A sarcastic, beautiful and strong exorcist x a positive demon, cross-species sword couple's journey!<br/><br/><strong>Chinese</strong><br/>原本是没有实体的幽灵(恶鬼?),意外地获得了肉体。但是却遇到了超级恐怖的抖S除魔师。恶鬼变成了除魔师的仆人捆在了身边,还被取了奇奇怪怪的名字&hellip;&hellip;