The Reincarnated Great Saint Hides That She's a Saint

The Reincarnated Great Saint Hides That She's a Saint

A Tale of the Great Saint, A Tale of the Secret Saint, Tensei Shita Daiseijo wa, Seijo de Aru Koto wo Hitakakusu: A Tale of the Great Saint, Tenseishita Daiseijo wa, Seijo Dearu Koto wo Hitakakusu, 転生した大聖女は、聖女であることをひた隠す, 転生した大聖女は、聖女であることをひた隠す A Tale of the Great Saint
3/15/2023 2:29 PM
Fia, who is aiming to be a knight in a family of knights, remembers her previous life as a &quot;Grand Saint&quot; when she was on the verge of dying. The saint is currently a highly important and respected profession because and is on the verge of extinction! The holy power she can use happens to be the &quot;lost magic&quot; of myths.<br/><br/>In her previous life, she was threatened by the right arm of the Demon King, saying, &quot;I'll kill you again if you're reborn as a saint.&quot;<br/><br/>&quot;If I use such power, I wonder if I would be caught and killed once again&hellip;&quot;<br/><br/>Watch as she tries to live a simple life as a knight, hiding the fact that she's a Grand Saint!<br/><hr/><br/><strong><a href="">Official English License Announcement</a></strong><br/><strong><a href="">Official English Light Novel</a></strong>