The World of Otome Games Is Tough for Mobs

The World of Otome Games Is Tough for Mobs

MobuSeka, Otomege Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai Desu, Thế Giới Otomegame Thật Khắc Nghiệt Với Nhân Vật Quần Chúng, Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games Is Tough for Mobs, ชีวิตตัวประกอบอย่างตูช่างอยู่ยากเมื่ออยู่ในโลกเกมจีบหนุ่ม, 乙女ゲー世界はモブに厳しい世界です, 여성향 게임 세계는 엑스트라에게 어려운 세상입니다
1/5/2024 12:14 PM
<u><strong>English:</strong></u> <br/>Leon, a former Japanese worker, was reincarnated into an &ldquo;otome game&rdquo; world, and despaired at how it was a world where females hold dominance over males. It was as if men were just livestock that served as stepping stones for females in this world. The only exceptions were the game&rsquo;s romantic targets, a group of handsome men led by the crown prince. In these bizarre circumstances, Leon held one weapon: his knowledge from his previous world, where his brazen sister had forced him to complete this game. This is a story about his adventure to survive and thrive in this world.<br/><br/><hr/><u><strong>Portuguese / Portugu&ecirc;s:</strong></u> <br/><spoiler>Leon, um ex-trabalhador japon&ecirc;s, reencarnou em um mundo de &ldquo;otome game&rdquo; e se desesperou com a forma como era um mundo onde as mulheres det&ecirc;m o dom&iacute;nio sobre os homens. Era como se os homens fossem apenas animais que serviram como degraus para as f&ecirc;meas neste mundo. As &uacute;nicas exce&ccedil;&otilde;es eram os alvos rom&acirc;nticos do jogo, um grupo de homens bonitos liderados pelo pr&iacute;ncipe herdeiro. Nestas circunst&acirc;ncias bizarras, Leon tem apenas uma arma: seu conhecimento do seu mundo anterior, que ele obteve ap&oacute;s completar o jogo, depois de ser for&ccedil;ado por sua irm&atilde; a jog&aacute;-lo. Leon, que realmente s&oacute; quer viver tranquilamente na periferia do pa&iacute;s, usa seu conhecimento para bater de frente contra as mulheres e esses homens bonitos.</spoiler><br/><br/><hr/><br/><a href="">Official English Light Novel</a><br/><a href="">Official LN</a><br/><a href="">Alternative Raw</a>
7 month ago
2 year ago