I Took Over the Demonic Sect Master

I Took Over the Demonic Sect Master

I Took Over the Demonic Sect Master, 拿魔头剧本的我修为全无,还被女徒弟追杀?!, Na Mo Tou Ju Ben De Wo Xiu Wei Quan Wu, Hai Bei Nv Tu Di Zhui Sha?!, Ná Mó Tóu Jù Běn De Wǒ Xiū Wèi Quán Wú, Hái Bèi Nǚ Tú Dì Zhuī Shā?!, I, Who Took the Devil's Script, Have No Cultivation at All, and Yet I Am Still Being Hunted by My Female Apprentices?!
12/29/2023 11:25 AM
<p>Once Wang Bai awakes, he realises he’s somehow crossed over into a fantasy world, and that he’s even lying in a coffin! After receiving a portion of his memories, he realises that this body is the sect master of the Demon Sect, who has committed unthinkable crimes and made millions of enemies. Worst of all… he has lost all of his cultivation, and his previous disciples who harbour ill intent towards him have all become big shots Σ(っ °Д °;) the Ruler of the Palace of Five Poisons, the Lord of the Temple of the Demon God, the Leader of the righteous Way… should I just lie back down in the coffin and never get out?</p><hr/><b>ZH</b><p>一觉醒来,王柏发现自己竟然穿越到了玄幻世界,还躺在棺材里面! 接收了部分记忆的他发现这具身体是魔宗宗主,无恶不作,树敌百万。 而且最糟糕的是…… 他现在修为全失,而曾经的那些对他这个师尊心怀不轨的徒弟们,都成大佬了Σ(っ °Д °;)っ 什么五毒宫主、魔佛殿主、正道魁首…… 要不然我还是躺回棺材里不出去了吧?</p>