Taixu Apartment

Taixu Apartment

Taixu Apartment, 太虚公寓
4/11/2023 5:26 AM
<p>The rich second generation Lee Feng discovered overnight that his parents had disappeared in the name of traveling around the world together. The company went bankrupt and all the assets of the family were frozen. He became a pauper, and his beloved girlfriend had to break up with him. Fortunately, his parents left him an apartment as the last resort. The disheartened Lee Feng went to take over the apartment, but found that the house called "One Apartment" had turned into a mysterious "Taixu Apartment", and Lee feng also became the owner of this apartment...</p><hr/><b>ZH</b><p>富二代东方来福一夜之间发现爹妈以双双环游世界之名消失了,公司破产家里资产全部冻结,自己成为了穷光蛋,心爱的女友也与自己不得不分手。万幸的是自家爹妈给他留了一间公寓作为最后的资本。心灰意冷的东方来福前往接手公寓,却发现这名叫“一家公寓”的房子变成了神秘的“太虚公寓”,东方来福也成为了这家公寓的主人……</p>