I Was Raised By A Demoness

I Was Raised By A Demoness

I Was Raised By A Demoness, 我竟被女魔头豢养了, Wo Jing Bei Nv Mo Tou Huanyangle, Wǒ Jìng Bèi Nǚ Mó Tóu Huànyǎngle, I Was Raised by a Female Devil
10/8/2022 5:06 AM
<p>Xu Chen slowly opened his eyes, and was shocked to find that his wife Lin Wanqiu was lying atop of him, with her fingers lightly placed on his belly. She said softly: “Husband, it’s time for you to give birth tonight…” Xu Chen looked at this familiar yet unfamiliar woman, and hurriedly asked, “Who are you?” Lin Wanqiu smiled and said, “Dear, I’m your wife, don’t worry, it won’t hurt too much.” After speaking, Lin Wanqiu gently slit open Xu Chen’s belly.”</p><hr/><b>ZH</b><p>许尘缓缓睁开双眼,惊愕的发现自己的夫人林晚秋正趴在他的肚皮之上,手指轻轻放在了的他的肚皮,柔声道:“相公,今晚该休息了呢。” 许尘看着这熟悉又陌生的女人,连忙问道:“你到底是谁?” 林晚秋笑道:“相公,我是你的娘子啊,放心吧不会很痛的。” 说着,林晚秋轻轻划开了许尘的肚皮。</p>