My oc is Fine

My oc is Fine

My oc is Fine, 我的oc成精了, Wo De oc Cheng Jingle, Wǒ De oc Chéng Jīngle
10/13/2023 1:23 AM
<p>Living in an orphanage, Tong Yexun has always been a child who never got along well with others. Since she is lonely, she used a paintbrush to create Shen Qiu, a little boy who is the same age as her. He grows up alongside her through the power of her paintbrush. One day, Tong Yexun, gets bullied, hiding in a corner, alone and wiping away at her tears. The tears dripped on onto one of Tong's drawing papers, becoming wet. The boy in her painting slowly opened his eyes as if he had sensed something... From then on, he had a soul.</p><hr/><b>ZH</b><p>生活在福利院童曳寻一直是个不太合群的小朋友,孤独的她便用画笔创造出了深秋,一个和她同岁的小男孩,他在画笔下陪她一起长大。 有一天,被欺负了童曳寻一个人躲在角落里面抹眼泪,眼泪滴在画纸上,晕湿了画纸。 而画中的男孩,像是有所感应一般缓缓睁开眼睛……从此有灵魂。</p>