The Exceptional Farmgirl

The Exceptional Farmgirl

The Exceptional Farmgirl, 农女殊色, Pretty Peasant Girl
10/5/2022 4:01 AM
<h3>EN</h3><p>Following an accident, Su Xinyu, a 35-yeard old surgeon transmigrated to a baby's body in ancient times, becoming the seventh daughter of Tao Liuping.<br/>She hence became the infant Xiangzhi'er, but kept her adult's mind secret as she grew, seeking a way to survive in the patriarchy. It was fortunate that her mother was a strong woman, who knew the ways of the world and thought differently. She promised to raise her daughters well and protect them from bullying, not to mention that Xiangzhi's sisters all earned their keep, and were as tough as they were smart. Xiangzhi herself became good friends with the young boy Rock, brought to her by a mysterious old man — and yet, she failed to notice that her little quirks that surpass ordinary children were noticed by an old woman from the village who held hidden depths...</p><hr/><h3>ZH</h3><p>35岁的女外科医生苏心语突发意外后穿越到了古代一个婴儿体内,成为陶六平家的第七个女儿,有着现代成人思维的她成为了不会说话的婴儿香枝儿,她隐忍不发,隐藏着自己的秘密慢慢长大,并在这个男尊女卑的世界里寻找好好活下去的方法,好在母亲王氏是个要强的女人,见过世面,思维与众不同,她誓要将这几个女儿好好养大,不被任何人欺负,而香枝的几个姐姐们也都非常争气,强势而且聪明,香枝更是和一个神秘老人带来的男婴石头成了亲密的朋友,然而她不知道她的一些超出孩童范围的小举动,被村里一个深藏不露的老婆婆发现了……</p>