I Am The Immortal

I Am The Immortal

I Am The Immortal, 不死的我把解体当普攻, Busi De Wo Ba Jieti Dang Pu Gong, Bùsǐ De Wǒ Bǎ Jiětǐ Dāng Pǔ Gōng, For the Immortal Me, Obliteration Attacks Are Nothing
3/21/2023 5:14 AM
<p>According to rumors, a grandmaster of an evil sect supposedly achieved immortality through a technique that made him indestructible. During a battle with the opposing sect, he self-exploded to be reborn stronger under the name of “Jie Chen”. With his immortality, he can use abilities, medicines, and forbidden techniques that others cannot. He is determined to achieve true immortality in this life, seeking revenge and dominating the world.</p><hr/><b>ZH</b><p>传闻修行了不死之身的魔道大佬在正道宗门的围攻下自爆重生,以解尘之名再登巅峰。凭借不死之身,别人不能用的功法、秘药、禁术……统统不是问题!解体自爆,也不过是普通攻击招数!这一世,他必要修成长生不死,快意恩仇,纵横天地!</p>