It Turns Out that I Am The Supreme Being in The Immortal World

It Turns Out that I Am The Supreme Being in The Immortal World

It Turns Out that I Am The Supreme Being in The Immortal World, So I Am the Supreme Lord in the World of Immortals, Yuánlái Wǒ Shì Xiānjiè Zhìzūn, 原来我是仙界至尊
12/6/2023 8:53 PM
<p>A psychic boss as my younger brother? A fairy goddess begging to be my teacher?! I just want to be an ordinary person!It turns out that I am the supreme being in the fairy world</p><hr/><b>ZH</b><p>灵能大佬来做小弟? 仙界女神哀求拜师? 我只想做个普通人啊!<br/>- - -<br/>李羡尊是一名普通的兼职快递员,甘心平凡也乐观充实。不曾想一次快递事故竟然卷入修仙混战,灵能大佬要做自己的小跟班,仙界来的美少女竟然跪求收徒? 搞什么,龙王归来还是战神重生?求放过…我只是个普通人啊!!</p>