With A Sword Domain, I Can Become The Sword Saint

With A Sword Domain, I Can Become The Sword Saint

With A Sword Domain, I Can Become The Sword Saint, 开局有剑域,我能苟成剑神, Kai Ju You Jian Yu, Wo Neng Gou Cheng Jian Shen, Kāi Jú Yǒu Jiàn Yù, Wǒ Néng Gǒu Chéng Jiàn Shén
1/8/2023 6:04 PM
<p>Zhang Fan, who transmigrated into another world, finally became a cultivator but was framed by others and lost all his cultivation. Just as he was about to die, the system was activated and gods, immortals, demon emperors all became nothing to him. The invincible Zhang Fan wanted to tear apart the skies with one strike, however, there was a limit to the range of his sword domain. In order to get the experience points required to increase its range, Zhang Fan had no other choice but to lure evil to himself. From then on, a new legend of him conquering gods and overpowering countless rulers appeared in the world.</p><hr/><b>ZH</b><p>到异世界的张凡,好不容易成为修士,却遭人陷害修为全失,生死存亡之际,迟来的系统上线,什么神使、仙人、妖皇,在他面皆为土鸡瓦狗,天下无敌的张凡也想一剑出鞘直破云霄,但无敌剑域居然有范围限制,为了扩展领域所需的经验值,张凡只能引诱那些不怀好意的人前来,从此,此方世界多了一个他力压无数天骄、一剑通神的传说</p>