Return of the Blossoming Blade

Return of the Blossoming Blade

Return of the Blossoming Blade, 화산귀환, Return of the Mount Hua Sect, Return of Sword Master, Hwasangwihwan, Volcanic Return, หวนคืนสู่ฮวาซาน, 剑尊归来, 劍尊歸來, Возрождение Хуашань, Hoa Sơn Tái Xuất
4/13/2022 7:48 AM
<p>Chung Myung, The 13th Disciple of the Mount Hua Sect, One of the 3 Great Swordsmen, Plum Blossom Sword Saint, defeated Chun Ma, who has brought destruction and disarray onto the world. <br/><br/>After the battle, he breathes his last breath on top of the headquarter mountain of the Heavenly Demon Sect. <br/><br/>He is reborn after 100 years in the body of a child. ……What? The Mount Hua Sect has fallen? What kind of nonsense is that!?<br/><br/>---<br/>- [Animated PV](<br/>---<br/>- [Official Traditional Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Simplified Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Indonesian Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Thai Translation](</p><hr/><b>ID</b><p>Murid ke-13 dari sekte Hwasan, Cheong Myeong, si pendekar pedang sakti bunga plum akhirnya berhasil membunuh kepala dari sekte iblis, Cheonma. Namun pertarungan tersebut telah merenggut nyawa Cheong Myeong sendiri beserta seluruh sekte Hwasan yang menjadi tempat perguruannya. Siapa yang menyangka, setelah kematiannya ternyata Cheong Myeong terlahir kembali 100 tahun kemudian! Tapi di masa ini tidak ada seorang pun yang mengingat Sekte Hwasan?! "...Apa? Sekte Hwasan hancur?!"<br/><br/>---<br/>- [Animated PV](<br/>---<br/>- [Official Traditional Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Simplified Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Indonesian Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Thai Translation](</p><hr/><b>IT</b><p>Chung Myung, il 13esimo discepolo della Mount Hua Sec, uno dei 3 grandi spadaccini, Il santo della spada del fiore del pruno sconfisse Chun Ma, colui che ha portato distruzione e caos nel mondo.<br/>Dopo la battaglia, esala il suo ultimo respiro in cima alla montagna del quartiere generale della Heavenly Demon Sect.<br/><br/>Ma, dopo 100 anni rinasce nel corpo di un bambino.<br/>....Cosa? La mont Hua Sec è scomparsa? Cosa sta succedendo?<br/><br/>---<br/>- [Animated PV](<br/>---<br/>- [Official Traditional Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Simplified Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Indonesian Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Thai Translation](</p><hr/><b>KO</b><p>대 화산파 13대 제자.천하삼대검수 매화검존 청명.<br/>천하를 혼란에 빠뜨린 고금제일마 천마의 목을 치고 십만대산의 정상에서 영면.<br/>백 년의 시간을 뛰어넘어 아이의 몸으로 다시 살아나다.<br/>......뭐? 화산이 망해? 이게 뭔 개소리야!?<br/><br/>---<br/>- [Animated PV](<br/>---<br/>- [Official Traditional Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Simplified Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Indonesian Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Thai Translation](</p><hr/><b>RU</b><p>13-й ученик великой школы Хуашань, один из трех величайших фехтовальщиков в мире - благородный клинок цветущей сливы Чхон Мён.<br/>Последним ударом клинка он убивает Чхонма, повергшего весь мир в хаос, и погибает на вершине горы из голов тысячи демонов.<br/>А спустя 100 лет он перерождается в теле ребенка, чтобы возродить из пепла некогда одну из самых великих, но ныне всеми забытую школу Мурима - Хуашань.<br/>Цветки сливы рано или поздно опадают. Однако когда приходит холодная зима, а за ней - весна, слива распускается в своем полном великолепии.<br/><br/>---<br/>- [Animated PV](<br/>---<br/>- [Official Traditional Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Simplified Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Indonesian Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Thai Translation](</p><hr/><b>TH</b><p>สงครามกับเทพมารสิ้นสุดแล้ว และความตายที่ไม่อาจเลี่ยงได้กำลังคืบคลานมาหาข้าเช่นกัน ข้าผู้เป็นศิษย์รุ่น 13 แห่งฮวาซานได้ปลิดชีพเทพมารที่สั่นคลอนทั่วพิภพลงได้ในที่สุด และสิ้นสุดอายุขัยบนจุดสูงสุดของยอดเขา ...แต่พอข้าลืมตาขึ้นอีกที กลับกลายเป็นยาจกไร้กำลัง นี่ข้ากลับมาเกิดใหม่เป็นขอทานหรือนี่?!<br/><br/>---<br/>- [Animated PV](<br/>---<br/>- [Official Traditional Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Simplified Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Indonesian Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Thai Translation](</p><hr/><b>ZH</b><p>剑尊大战魔尊后同归于尽!<br/>百年后竟重生成柔弱孩童?<br/>男主清明前世是闻名江湖的华山派梅花剑尊,耗尽全力消灭了武林魔头“天魔”,最终与其同归于尽。但他却在百年后重生成了一个落魄小乞丐,并且保留着前世所有记忆。而在现世,曾是江湖名派的“华山派”已经没落至无人知晓的地步,清明得知这一事实后不能接受。当他找到华山后,发现门派已油尽灯枯。但清明仍然还记得百年前门派的道义和武学精神,他很不甘心,于是以孩童之身重新拜入华山派门下。但入门后他才知道,原来门派没落竟与前世自己和天魔大战有关!孩童之身的他该如何重振门派雄风呢?<br/><br/>---<br/>- [Animated PV](<br/>---<br/>- [Official Traditional Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Simplified Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Indonesian Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Thai Translation](</p><hr/><b>ZH-HK</b><p>華山派梅花劍尊青明與天魔同歸於盡後,再次醒來發現百年後的華山派竟已不屬於九派一幫,震驚之下他立志要讓華山派重振當年盛極一時的威風!<br/><br/>---<br/>- [Animated PV](<br/>---<br/>- [Official Traditional Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Simplified Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Indonesian Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Thai Translation](</p>