Not My Ideal Type

Not My Ideal Type

Not My Ideal Type, 이상형은 아닙니다, 他不是我的理想型, He's Not My Ideal Type, 你不是我的理想型, Not My Type, タイプではございません
4/11/2023 4:40 PM
<p>A romance to find the perfect ideal type for a 29-year-old man who has never had a date, let alone a relationship with a 29-year-old woman who has reached the full level of dating experience! Kim Jin-hyeon, a young man who appeared in front of Cha Eun-tae, who is at the peak of love. With his worst fashion sense, he doesn't even drink alcohol and plays games at home on the weekends. This man who seems to have fallen out of the other world... Cha Eun-tae begins to be attracted to this man who has absolutely not her ideal type.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>- [Official Traditional Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Simplified Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Indonesian Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Japanese Translation](</p><hr/><b>ID</b><p>Kisah mencari jodoh antara wanita 29 tahun yang sudah terbiasa berpacaran dan seorang pria 29 tahun jomblo yang belum pernah berpacaran! Apakah Cha Euntae yang sudah sering berpacaran dapat jatuh cinta pada Kim Jinhyun si jomblo seumur hidup yang punya fashion sense jelek dan hanya main game di akhir minggu?<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>- [Official Traditional Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Simplified Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Indonesian Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Japanese Translation](</p><hr/><b>JA</b><p>なのに、こんなことあり得ない!!<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>- [Official Traditional Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Simplified Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Indonesian Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Japanese Translation](</p><hr/><b>KO</b><p>연애 경험치 만렙 29살 여자와 연애는 커녕 썸 한번 못 타본 모쏠 29년차 남자의 완벽한 이상형 찾기 로맨스! 연애 만렙 차은태앞에 나타난 모쏠남 김진현. 최악의 패션감각에 술은 입에도 못대고 주말엔 집에서 게임하는 게 전부인, 다른 세계에서 뚝떨어진 듯한 이 남자.. 절대 이상형일리 없는 이 남자에게 점점 끌리기 시작한다.<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>- [Official Traditional Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Simplified Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Indonesian Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Japanese Translation](</p><hr/><b>ZH</b><p>恋爱满级vs母胎单身,<br/>我怎么会喜欢普通的他?!<br/>母胎SOLO且连暧昧对象都没有过的金晨贤,仿佛来自异世界的他,有着差到极致的穿搭,唯一的乐趣就是周末宅在家打游戏。然而时隔多年却再遇暗恋许久的对象车恩桃,而且还成为了他的邻居!他完全不是车恩桃的理想型,但漂亮且恋爱经验满级的车恩桃却逐渐被他吸引……<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>- [Official Traditional Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Simplified Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Indonesian Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Japanese Translation](</p><hr/><b>ZH-HK</b><p>戀愛經驗值滿點的29歲女人與不知戀愛為何物的29歲母胎單身男人尋找完美理想型的浪漫喜劇!出現在戀愛大師車恩泰面前的母單男金鎮鉉,不僅是時尚恐怖份子,而且滴酒不沾,週末還整天在家打遊戲,完全是另一個世界的這個男人⋯被這個絕對不會是理想型的男人吸引的故事開始了。<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>- [Official Traditional Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Simplified Chinese Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Indonesian Translation](<br/><br/>- [Official Japanese Translation](</p>