The Villainous Queen Wants to Level Up

The Villainous Queen Wants to Level Up

10/9/2022 9:57 AM
Filled with hatred , Mu He Xi got isekaied into the world of the novels , one of them is &quot; My Ceo Is a Demon&quot;. She became an evil villainous character, who has to humiliate the heroine in this novel to upgrade the Black Lotus system. Only then, she will be able to return back to her world. But when she upgraded the Black Lotus system, she discovered a new novel world. Plus, she had became an evil character again... Will she ever be able to return back to her world and get her revenge?<br/><hr/><strong><u>French / Fran&ccedil;ais</u></strong><br/><spoiler>Rempli de haine, Mu He Xi est entr&eacute; dans le monde du roman : &laquo;Mon PDG est un d&eacute;mon&raquo;. Elle est devenue un personnage m&eacute;chant, qui doit humilier l'h&eacute;ro&iuml;ne de ce roman pour am&eacute;liorer le syst&egrave;me Black Lotus. Ce n'est qu'alors qu'elle pourra retourner dans son monde. Mais lorsqu'elle a am&eacute;lior&eacute; le syst&egrave;me Black Lotus, elle a d&eacute;couvert un nouveau monde. De plus, elle &eacute;tait redevenue un personnage diabolique&hellip; Sera-t-elle un jour capable de retourner dans son monde ? &hellip; Et se venger ?</spoiler><br/><br/><br/>Chinese <br/>带着前世仇恨的木何夕意外穿越到霸总小说世界中成为结局悲惨的反派女主,她必须&ldquo;打脸&rdquo;女主角让&ldquo;黑莲花&rdquo;系统升级才能重生,可升级后却发现自己到了新的小说世界依然是反派女主&hellip;&hellip;