LandLadyankee! ~My Apartment Life with a Yankee Landlord~

LandLadyankee! ~My Apartment Life with a Yankee Landlord~

Aoi Hinata
Oh Yankee!! Yankee Landlord and My Apartment Life, Ooyanki! ~My Apartment Life with a Yankee Landlord~, OoYankii!! Yankii Ouya-san to Boku no Apaato Kurashi, オオヤンキー!! ~ヤンキー大家さんと僕のアパート暮らし~, 不良房东与我的独居生活, 不良房東與我的獨居生活, 집주인양아치!! ~양키 집주인과 나의 아파트 생활~
9/2/2021 3:55 PM
(en-US)<br/>Daichi is a college student who has finally fulfulled his dream of moving out and living alone. However the one who is waiting for him at Sakuranosaki Heights is a delinquent like landlord?! Though her expression is scary, she is a landlord that is good at looking after others. Because of this, the otaku life Daichi has always dreamed of takes a step in an unexpected direction?!<br/><hr/>(zh-Hant)<spoiler><br/>大學生・大地,開始了他所期待的獨居生活!但是,搬往的花之咲公寓所等待著他的是,不良般的房東小姐!?雖然眼神和態度很恐怖,但總覺得是個很會照顧人的房東,大地所夢寐以求的獨居生活開始向意料之外的地方發展了!?</spoiler><br/><hr/>(en-AU)<spoiler><br/>This otaku fuck moved outta his place and into a share house. Then he finds out the old landlady fucked off last night to go travelling and left her granddaughter in charge because... no fucking clue; but anyway the landlady girl looks fucking hot and seriously like they'll beat you to a pulp. Yeah. So the guy meets scary girl, what the fuck happens next?</spoiler>