Invincible Villain

Invincible Villain

Invincible Villain, 我们反派才不想当踏脚石, We Villains Don't Wanna Be Stepping Stones
7/31/2022 4:45 AM
<p>An online writer transmigrated into the body of Ling Xiao, a prince. Nobody came for his root bone, nobody betrayed him, and nobody treated him coldly. On the contrary, his cultivation level was super high, he had all kinds of magic weapons and pills, and could show his sainthood in front of people at will. He was happy with it! The only problem is— Ling Xiao is a villain, and a villain’s destiny is to be a stepping stone for the chosen one (protagonist)! The world is full of injustice and oppression against the villains! Let’s see how Ling Xiao will outsmart the chosen one to revive the glory of villains!</p><hr/><b>ZH-HK</b><p>网文写手穿越成贵公子凌霄,没有根骨被挖,没有遭人背叛,没有受尽他人冷眼,反而修为超高,法宝丹药应有尽有,随随便便人前显圣,好不快活!唯一的问题是——凌霄是个反派,反派的归宿就是给天命之子(主角)们当踏脚石!气抖冷,这个世界充满了对反派的不公和压迫!且看凌霄如何套路天命之子,重振反派荣光!</p>