Ten Thousand Layers Of Qi Refining

Ten Thousand Layers Of Qi Refining

Ten Thousand Layers Of Qi Refining, 炼气一万层
9/19/2023 1:30 AM
<p>“I’m already at the 10,000th Qi refining layer, why haven’t I built my foundation yet!” Su Li, the top cultivator for three years in a row, became the laughingstock of the school before the entrance exams – because he was the only candidate in his senior year who hadn’t built his foundation. On top of that, he was unlucky enough to encounter killers sent by an evil organization one after another. Let’s see how the qi-refining young man defies the odds!</p><hr/><b>ZH-HK</b><p>“我都炼气一万层了,为什么还没有筑基!”连续三年修炼第一的苏离,在高考前成为了全校的笑柄——因为他是高三唯一一位没有筑基的考生,更倒霉的是还接二连三遇上了邪恶组织派来的杀手,究竟是天要亡我,还是另藏玄机!且看炼气少年如何逆天破局!</p>