The Great Godly Demon

The Great Godly Demon

The Great Godly Demon, 神级大魔头
5/17/2023 5:16 AM
<p>The countless martial artists were gnashing their teeth at Xia Ping, wanting to bury him in the ground. Xia Ping, in response to the hatred of so many people, calmly pulled forth the “Super hatred System” interface and looked at the various goodies on it, rubbing his chin: “I’ve accumulated so many values, I don’t know whether to exchange for the Sacred Pill Chaos Pill, or the supreme martial art Rulai Palm, or the divine weapon Qiankun Cauldron, what a worry. “</p><hr/><b>ZH</b><p>炎黄星无数武道强者对夏平咬牙切齿,简直恨不得将其挫骨扬灰。而夏平面对这么多人的仇恨,淡定的拉出“超级系统”界面,看着上面各种好东西,摸了摸下巴:“都积攒到这么多数值了,不知道是兑换圣品丹药混沌丹,还是绝世武学如来掌,或者是神器乾坤鼎,真是烦恼啊。”</p>
4 month ago