Maou Desu. Onna Yuusha no Hahaoya to Saikon Shita no de, Onna Yuusha ga Giri no Musume ni Narimashita.

Maou Desu. Onna Yuusha no Hahaoya to Saikon Shita no de, Onna Yuusha ga Giri no Musume ni Narimashita.

I Am A Demon King. I Got Remarried to A Mother of A Brave Woman, So She Became My Daughter-In-Law., I, the Demon Lord, got married to the female hero's mother making her my stepdaughter., Maou Desu. Onna Yuusha no Hahaoya to Saikon Shita no de, Onna Yuusha ga Giri no Musume ni Narimashita.@comic, The Demon Lord’s Second Marriage, 魔王です。女勇者の母親と再婚したので、女勇者が義理の娘になりました。
2/28/2021 10:36 PM
Meet Galtor Luzen, the Demon Lord. Well, the Demon Lord of his own continent, anyway. After his wife passed away, he gradually withdrew from his social life and started to do more of whatever Demon Lords do. <br/><br/>Enter Angelica, the Hero. Heroine. Whatever. She&rsquo;s a paladin of goodness, who wants nothing more than to defeat the Demon Lord. However, she is no match for him and is utterly defeated. <br/><br/>As Galtor is not a completely evil Demon Lord, he takes Angelica, still unconscious, as well as the other members of her party, back to their families so they can rest their wounds. As he is bringing back Angelica to her home, however, he meets her mother, Reitia - who is the spitting image of his former wife. As he and she bond over tea, Galtor&rsquo;s feelings get the better of him, and he proposes to Reitia on the spot. Surprisingly, she accepts. <br/><br/>How will Angelica cope with a literal demon for a stepfather? Can Galtor take care of someone who has taken a blood oath to kill him? Just what are Demon Lords in this world, anyway, for them to nonchalantly treat the battles of good and evil as if they were sports? Read and find out. <br/><br/><strong><u>French/Fran&ccedil;ais</u></strong><br/><spoiler>Galtor Luzen, le Seigneur d&eacute;mon. Enfin, le seigneur d&eacute;mon de son continent. Depuis que sa femme est d&eacute;c&eacute;d&eacute;e, il s&rsquo;est coup&eacute; du monde ext&eacute;rieur. Apparait Angelica, l&rsquo;h&eacute;ro&iuml;ne qui ne souhaite que la mort du Seigneur d&eacute;mon. Mais elle est battue &agrave; plate couture. Galtor n&rsquo;&eacute;tant pas un m&eacute;chant Seigneur d&eacute;mon, il ram&egrave;ne les membres de l&rsquo;&eacute;quipe d&rsquo;Angelica chez eux. C&rsquo;est alors qu&rsquo;en ramenant Angelica chez elle, il tombe sur sa m&egrave;re, Reitia &ndash; copie conforme de sa femme d&eacute;funte. Autour d&rsquo;une tasse de th&eacute;, Galtor prend son courage &agrave; deux mains et demande en mariage Reitia&hellip; qui accepte ?! Comment Angelica va-t-elle accepter son p&egrave;re &laquo; d&eacute;moniaque &raquo; au sens litt&eacute;ral du terme ? Galt peut-il s&rsquo;occuper de son ennemie jur&eacute;e comme de sa propre fille ? Et que sont les Seigneurs d&eacute;mons dans ce monde, pour commencer ?</spoiler><br/><br/><strong><u>Arabic / العربية</u></strong><br/><spoiler><br/>غالت لوزين ملك الشياطين. بعد وفاة زوجته وانسحابه تدريجياً من حياته الاجتماعية وفعل المزيد مما يفعله ملوك الشياطين. يلتقي بالبطلة إنغليكا التي لا تريد شيء سوى هزيمت ملك الشياطين. لكنها ليست نداً له فيتم هزيمتها مع اعضاء فريقها, وبما ان غالت ليس بملك شياطين شرير الى هذه الدرجة, يقوم بإرجاعهم الى عائلاتهم. وعند الوصول الى موطن إنغليكا يقابل غالت ام البطلة التي تدعى ريتيا, والتي هي صورة طبق الاصل عن زوجة غالت الراحلة فيقوم غالت بعرض الزواج عليها فتوافق. كيف ستتعامل إنغليكا مع زوج امها ووالدها في القانون؟ وهل يستطيع غالت الاعتناء بشخص اخذ قسماً بقتله؟<br/></spoiler><br/><hr/><br/><a href="">Manga artist twitter @muiko_i</a>
2 year ago
2 year ago