

erewhon lin lang
Feng Xin Hua, Giacinto, Jacinto, Мой прекрасный человек 2 том, Цветы гиацинта 1 том, 风信花
6/13/2021 2:43 PM
A collection of BL stories that take place in a world with six genders (Omegaverse).<br/><br/>Xiaomi, an omega, has been in love with the popular Jiang Xi, an alpha, since middle school... Even though they both changed over the years as they graduated and started living different lives, Xiaomi's feelings have not changed. It is painful to experience an unrequited love for 10 years, is it not? But what will happen when Xiaomi brings an intoxicated Jiang Xi home to his bed after their university's graduation party, knowing that Jiang Xi will soon be going abroad?<br/><br/>STatus: Dropped. Has an official translation.<br/><br/><u>Fran&ccedil;ais:</u><br/><spoiler>On dit que les humains sont incapables de cacher 3 choses :<br/><br/>COMPROMIS, PAUVRET&Eacute; ET AMOUR. Xiaomi (omega) a toujours &eacute;t&eacute; amoureux du populaire Jiang Xi (alpha) depuis le coll&egrave;ge...m&ecirc;me si au fil des ans son apparence a chang&eacute; mais ses sentiments non partag&eacute;s ne font que s'intensifier avec le temps...Avoir un amour non partag&eacute; pendant 10 ans est douloureux n'est ce pas ?. Mais que se passera-t-il quand il am&egrave;nera les Jiang Xi d&eacute;chir&eacute;s apr&egrave;s la f&ecirc;te de remise des dipl&ocirc;mes de leur universit&eacute; chez lui et dans son lit... ? M&ecirc;me apr&egrave;s avoir su que Jiang Xi va bient&ocirc;t partir &agrave; l'&eacute;tranger... ?</spoiler>