Forced to Become the Villainous Son-in-law

Forced to Become the Villainous Son-in-law

Forced to Become the Villain's, 被迫成为反派赘婿, I Become A Villain In My Novel, Bei Po Chengwei Fanpai Zhui Xu
10/18/2023 11:34 PM
<u><strong>English:</strong></u><br/>A third-rate writer that is destined to go to hell because of it's bad novel ending, got reincarnated in his own novel instead, reborn as the villainous son-in-law - Li Yu Guo. The battle of wits and courage between him and the original protagonist begins now&hellip;<br/><u><strong>Fran&ccedil;ais :</strong></u><br/>Un &eacute;crivain de second zone, se retrouve puni car la fin de son roman est jug&eacute;e b&acirc;cl&eacute;e par un dieu fan de l'histoire. Il se retrouve r&eacute;incarn&eacute; dans son livre en temps que beau-fils du m&eacute;chant. Une bataille strat&eacute;gique entre lui et le v&eacute;ritable h&eacute;ros commence...<br/><br/>Spinoff Series:<br/>