Villainous Princess

Villainous Princess

bae huijin yusoo
Geug'han Gongnyeo, Les Regrets de Mademoiselle, The Lady's Regrets, 극한 공녀
9/8/2022 3:46 PM
One day I woke up in the body of Violet, the villainess character of the novel &quot;For Shannon.&quot; Violet had a beautiful face, wealth, and was even a princess! She was a woman who had almost everything but her life was ruined when she chased after the one thing she didn't have - love. Now that I'm her, I can change her fate because I don't need love!<br/><br/>... But why have the characters of the novel started to change ever since I decided that?<br/><hr/><a href="">Original Web Novel</a><br/><a href="">Official French Translation</a>