I Became a Maid in a TL Novel

I Became a Maid in a TL Novel

jungdam lee dana
Love Quest for a Servant Girl, TL Soseol Sok Sinyeo-ga Doeeotseumnida, TL 소설 속 시녀가 되었습니다
10/27/2023 3:25 AM
I was bored and read a TL (teen's love) novel with lots of sexual scenes, and ended up reincarnating into it. As a maid that get executed quickly, at that! The goal, of course, is survival... but the situation keeps getting twisted. <br/><br/>&quot;I have no intention of sharing something I like with my brother.&quot;<br/><br/>I was so surprised that I harshly bit my lip.<br/><br/>&quot;Don't become the Duchess. The rumors that my younger brother has fallen for a rabbit have reached even my ears.&quot;<br/><br/>&quot;Your Majesty! No, that's...&quot;<br/><br/>He rubbed my bleeding lips. Then he nonchalantly licked the bloodied finger. It was just his finger that touched me, but I somehow felt nervous.<br/><br/>Your Majesty, please save me. I don't want to be executed.<br/><hr/><a href="https://www.comico.kr/content/home/1a4h2cc2a08c">Original Webnovel</a> by LEE Dana<br/><br/>Official English translation on Comico's <a href="https://www.comico.io/pocket-comics">Pocket Comics app</a>