Uncle Cool

Uncle Cool

Love Story of Uncle Cool, Mister Cool's Love Story, Uncle Cool's Love Story, 酷大叔的恋爱物语, 마시멜로 아저씨
8/11/2021 12:36 AM
A dramatic, hilarious and timid girl caught the eye of a grim looking man. She keeps her cool despite being frightened. On the other hand, this man actually has a completely different side of him! Let's witness as this hilarious love story unfolds between two distinctly different characters.<br/><br/><br/><strong><u>French : </u></strong><br/>Une fille th&eacute;&acirc;trale, hilarante et timide a attir&eacute; l'&oelig;il d'un homme &agrave; l'air sinistre. <br/>Elle garde son sang-froid face &agrave; lui malgr&eacute; la peur qu'il lui inspire.<br/>Cet homme a effectivement un c&ocirc;t&eacute; compl&egrave;tement diff&eacute;rent de ce qu'elle criot !<br/> Assistons &agrave; cette histoire d'amour hilarante entre deux personnages tr&egrave;s diff&eacute;rents !