Fairy World Mall System

Fairy World Mall System

Fairy Shop, Xianjie Shangcheng, 仙界商城
11/9/2021 3:20 AM
<u><strong>English:</strong></u><br/>The younger sister of the brick mover (labourer) Wang Jian was seriously ill and he was very desperate to save her. But he accidentally obtained the magical fairy world software. Not only did he cured her sister, but also added multiple skills to capture the hearts of the female president and the younger sister, and headed towards the pinnacle of life! However, with the passage of time, Wang Jian discovered that his identity is more than just an ordinary person...<br/><br/><u><strong>Fran&ccedil;ais :</strong></u><br/>La s&oelig;ur de Wang Jian, ouvrier en construction souffre d&rsquo;une maladie incurable. Alors qu&rsquo;il est pr&ecirc;t a tout pour la sauver, il obtient une application sur son t&eacute;l&eacute;phone &eacute;manant du monde des f&eacute;es. Gr&acirc;ce &agrave; cette boutique f&eacute;&eacute;rique, il a non-seulement pu sauver sa s&oelig;ur, mais il a aussi gagn&eacute; de nombreuses nouvelles capacit&eacute;s lui permettant de relever tous les d&eacute;fis qui se dressent face &agrave; lui. Cependant, Wang Jian constatera vite qu&rsquo;avec tous ces changements, il n&rsquo;est plus une personne ordinaire&hellip;
3 year ago