Lord, It Doesn't Matter

Lord, It Doesn't Matter

Lingzhu Shenme de Wusuowei La, The Lord Doesn't Matter, This Overlord Doesn't Care About Anything, 领主什么的无所谓啦
9/1/2023 1:13 PM
The main character, Lord Li De is the fourth son of Lord Yunyang of YongTian Kingdom. After being reincarnated into another world filled with monsters and magic, he tried to live leisurely, but his father had different plans for him. He tried to make Li De a sacrifice in order to make his first son gain more popularity and seem a bit more cruel. This manga starts out by showing how Li De struggles to escape from being a sacrifice, then consequently how he manages his own Territory and becoming a Lord himself.<br/><br/>This manga is adapted from the SF Light Novel &quot;This Overlord Doesn't Care About Anything&quot;, which is being translated over at Re:Library by raltzero.<br/><hr/><strong><u>French / Fran&ccedil;ais</u></strong><br/><spoiler>Le personnage principal, Lord Li De est le quatri&egrave;me fils de Lord Yunyang du Royaume YongTian. Apr&egrave;s s'&ecirc;tre r&eacute;incarn&eacute; dans un autre monde rempli de monstres et de magie, il a essay&eacute; de vivre tranquillement, mais son p&egrave;re avait des plans diff&eacute;rents pour lui. Il a essay&eacute; de faire un sacrifice &agrave; Li De pour que son premier fils gagne en popularit&eacute; et paraisse un peu plus cruel.</spoiler>