Second Life Ranker

Second Life Ranker

nong nong
Ranker Who Lives A Second Time, SLR, The Ranker Who Lives Twice, Ранкер, который живёт второй раз, 二度生きるランカー, 두 번 사는 랭커
8/12/2023 2:01 PM
Yeon-woo had a twin brother who disappeared five years ago. One day, a pocket watch left by his brother returned to his possession. Inside, he found a hidden diary in which was recorded &ldquo;By the time you hear this, I guess I will be already dead&hellip;.&rdquo;<br/>Obelisk, the Tower of the Sun God, a world where several universes and dimensions intersect. In this world, his brother had fallen victim to betrayal while climbing up the tower. After learning the truth, Yeon-woo decided to climb the tower along with his brother&rsquo;s diary.<br/>Yeon-woo then proceeds to go through the same trials and fights as his younger brother did as an anonymous player. His goal? Defeating the Obelisk Tower and get revenge for his brother.<br/><hr/><strong><u>Descriptions in Other Languages:</u></strong><br/>(Russian/Русский, French/Fran&ccedil;ais, Italian/Italiano, Turkish/T&uuml;rk&ccedil;e)<br/><spoiler><br/><hr/><u><strong>Russian / Русский</strong></u><br/><spoiler> Ёну в течение 5 лет жил, смирившись с исчезновением своего младшего брата-близнеца. Однажды ему в руки попали карманные часы его брата.​ Внутри них он обнаружил спрятанную записку.​ &laquo;Брат, если ты сейчас слушаешь эти записи, то меня уже нет на Земле&raquo;. Узнав о том, что его младший брат отправился в Обелиск &mdash; башню богов, которая находится где-то в космосе на пересечении нескольких измерений, и был предан, Ёну решает отправиться туда сам.<br/>&laquo;С этого момента я буду Ча Чонъу.​&raquo;</spoiler><br/><hr/><u><strong>French / Fran&ccedil;ais</strong></u><br/><spoiler>Yeon-woo avait un fr&egrave;re jumeau qui a disparu il y a cinq ans. Un jour, une montre de poche laiss&eacute;e par son fr&egrave;re est retourn&eacute;e en sa possession. &Agrave; l'int&eacute;rieur, il a trouv&eacute; un journal intime cach&eacute; dans lequel on pouvait lire : &quot;Le temps que tu entendes ceci, je serai d&eacute;j&agrave; mort...&quot;.<br/>l'Ob&eacute;lisque, la Tour du Dieu Soleil, un monde o&ugrave; plusieurs univers et dimensions se croisent. Dans ce monde, son fr&egrave;re avait &eacute;t&eacute; victime d'une trahison en montant la tour. Apr&egrave;s avoir appris la v&eacute;rit&eacute;, Yeon-woo d&eacute;cida d'escalader la tour avec le journal de son fr&egrave;re.<br/>Yeon-woo passe ensuite par les m&ecirc;mes &eacute;preuves que son fr&egrave;re cadet et combat en tant que joueur anonyme. Son but ? Vaincre la Tour de l'Ob&eacute;lisque et venger son fr&egrave;re. </spoiler><br/><hr/><u><strong>Italian / Italiano</strong></u><br/><spoiler>Yeon-woo aveva un fratello gemello scomparso cinque anni fa...<br/>Un giorno, un orologio da tasca lasciato da suo fratello &egrave; tornato in suo possesso. Dentro, ha trovato un diario nascosto nel quale &egrave; stato registrato &ldquo;Quando ascolterai questo, immagino che sar&ograve; gi&agrave; morto &hellip;&rdquo; . </spoiler><br/><hr/><u><strong>Turkish / T&uuml;rk&ccedil;e</strong></u><br/><spoiler>Yeon-woo&rsquo;nun kardeşi beş yıl &ouml;nce ortadan kaybolmuştur. Bir g&uuml;n kardeşinden kalan bir cep saati eline ge&ccedil;er. İ&ccedil;inde, kardeşinin bırakmış olduğu gizli bir g&uuml;nl&uuml;ğ&uuml;n olduğunu fark eder. &rdquo;Sen bunu bulduğunda, ben &ccedil;oktan bu d&uuml;nyadan g&ouml;&ccedil;m&uuml;ş olacağım.&rdquo; Obelisk, g&uuml;neş tanrısının kulesi, farklı evrenler ve boyutların i&ccedil; i&ccedil;e ge&ccedil;tiği bir d&uuml;nyadır. Kardeşi, bu d&uuml;nyada kuleye tırmanmaya &ccedil;alışırken ihanete uğrayıp hayatını kaybetmiştir. Ger&ccedil;eği &ouml;ğrenmiş olan Yeon-woo, kardeşinin g&uuml;nl&uuml;ğ&uuml; ile birlikte kuleye tırmanmaya karar verir. &rdquo;Şu andan itibaren ben, Cha Jeong-woo&rsquo;yum.&rdquo; </spoiler><br/></spoiler>
3 year ago