The Call of Animals

The Call of Animals

The Call of Animals, Seeing the Call of the Beasts, 看见禽兽的声音
6/28/2023 12:46 AM
<p>Wan Tang is a police officer who possesses magical eyes that can hear the sounds of birds and beasts.<br/><br/>Strange cases in small cities are frequent. Black cats send fingers, while Orange cats send babies. The strange cat group seems to be in charge of the whole city's crime, and the black hand behind the scenes is hiding in the police station?<br/><br/>Will a super policewoman & sand sculpture detective, hand in hand, find out beasts in disguise and crack a murder mystery?</p><hr/><b>ZH</b><p>我有一双神奇的眼睛,可以看懂飞禽走兽之声。黑猫送指、橘猫送婴……小城奇案频发。诡异猫群似乎掌控着全城罪恶,而幕后黑手竟然隐藏在警局?超A女警×沙雕警探,携手揪出一个个衣冠禽兽,破解一桩桩杀人迷案。</p>