The Golden Lion King

The Golden Lion King

The Golden Lion King, 躺平后我成了万妖之王, 我真不是妖怪啊, Reborn As A Lion
12/25/2023 9:28 PM
<p>Liu Fan isekai-ed, becoming the Golden lion demon and he even received a cheat system! Eating, sleeping, reading, fighting, and even being in a daze can all be rewarded with attributes given by the system. A Golden lion with super wisdom, comprehension and talent leads female ghosts, goddesses, mutated animals, and tortures human awakeners, ancient immortal cultivators, reincarnated people, and fierce beasts, and finally becomes the strongest being in the world.</p><hr/><b>ZH</b><p>刘凡穿越成为地星的妖兽黄金狮子,并且自带系统!吃饭、睡觉、看书、战斗,甚至发呆都能得到系统给予的属性奖励。一个拥有超高智慧,悟性和天赋的黄金狮子,率领着女鬼、女神、变异动物,完虐人类觉醒者、古代修仙者、转世者、凶兽,最终成为地星当世最强。</p>