Rutou-san ni wa Kanaimasen!

Rutou-san ni wa Kanaimasen!

Aizaki Utau
Rutou-san ni wa Kanaimasen!, 瑠東さんには敵いません!, 瑠东同学无人能敌!
1/9/2024 6:17 AM
<h3>EN</h3><p>Being the top student in the class, Rutou Kaname is always in the public eye; on the contrary, quiet and trivial, Wamura Chihiro usually spends time talking with her otaku friends in the corner of the classroom. <br/>Being front-and-back deskmates, Kaname and Chihiro should have no common language. However, as Kaname strikes up a conversation, a special friendship starts.</p><hr/><h3>ZH</h3><p>永远是班上的正中焦点的完美优等生瑠东鹿目, 和总是在教室的角落与御宅友互相交欢的平凡女生和村千紘。 前后桌的二人,以瑠东的搭讪为契机,开启了一段奇妙的缘分—— 南辕北辙的二人间的校园喜剧,就此开幕!</p>