Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!?

Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!?

Professeure, pourquoi êtes-vous là ?!, Sensei why are you here!?, Why are you here Sensei!?, Why the Hell Are You Here, Teacher!?, Почему Вы здесь, учитель!?, なんでここに先生が!?
5/23/2022 6:41 PM
17-year-old Ichirou Satou always happens to find himself in perverted situations with his teacher, Kana Kojima. Follow this erotic love comedy about how student and teacher handle their mishaps.<br/><br/><strong>Notes:</strong><br/>Nande koko ni sensei ga!? began as a series of 4 oneshot chapters titled &quot;Golden Times&quot;.<br/>The oneshot prequels are included as chapters 1-4 in the volume 1 tankobon.<br/>Following the oneshot chapters, the series continued with chapter 5.<br/>Each volume of the manga is focused on a different student-teacher pairing.<br/>The series is currently on hiatus starting from Chapter 110<br/><br/><u><strong>Portuguese / Portugu&ecirc;s:</strong></u> <spoiler>Ichirou Satou, de 17 anos, sempre se encontra em situa&ccedil;&otilde;es pervertidas com sua professora, Kana Kojima. Siga esta com&eacute;dia amorosa er&oacute;tica sobre como o aluno o professor lidam com os seus acidentes. <br/><br/><strong>Notas:</strong><br/>Nande koko ni sensei ga !? Come&ccedil;ou como uma s&eacute;rie de quatro cap&iacute;tulos intitulados &quot;Golden Times&quot;. <br/>Os prequels do oneshot s&atilde;o inclu&iacute;dos como os cap&iacute;tulos 1-4 no volume 1 tankobon. <br/>Seguindo os cap&iacute;tulos, a s&eacute;rie continua com o cap&iacute;tulo 5.<br/>Cada volume do mang&aacute; &eacute; focado em um par de estudante-professor diferente.</spoiler><br/><hr/><strong>Links:</strong><br/><a href="">Author's Twitter</a><br/><a href="">Anime on ANN</a>