Tokushu Seiheki Kyoushitsu e Youkoso

Tokushu Seiheki Kyoushitsu e Youkoso

Welcome to the Special Fetish Classroom, Welcome to the Special Idiosyncrasy Classroom, 特殊性癖教室へようこそ
12/31/2023 6:52 PM
<strong><u>English:</u></strong><br/>The geniuses and eminent figures that have left their names across history tend to have special fetishes. By taking this anecdotal evidence and turning it around, a class of students with special fetishes was created with the purpose of raising geniuses. Seijun Private Academy class 2-9, also known as the Special Idiosyncrasy Class. White bitch gals, peeping toms, perverted inventors, extreme masochists, exhibitionists&hellip;&hellip; Itou Manami, a fledgling virgin teacher has been put in charge of this class. Will he be able to fulfill his responsibilities as a teacher against these students and their special interests!?<br/><br/><strong><u>Portuguese / Portugu&ecirc;s:</u></strong><br/><spoiler>Os g&ecirc;nios e as figuras eminentes que deixaram seus nomes ao longo da hist&oacute;ria tendem a ter fetiches especiais. Pensando nisso foi criada a classe de estudantes com fetiches especiais com o objetivo de criar g&ecirc;nios. Na classe 2-9 da academia privada Seijun, tamb&eacute;m conhecida como Classe Especial de Idiossincrasia existe pessoas com diferentes fetiches como gyarus , stalkers, pervertidos, masoquistas extremos, exibicionistas... Nesse lugar, Itou Manami, um virgem e professor novato, foi encarregado dessa classe. Ele ser&aacute; capaz de cumprir suas responsabilidades como professor contra esses alunos e seus interesses especiais?</spoiler>
5 year ago