IRIS - Lady with a Smartphone

IRIS - Lady with a Smartphone

yoo soo wan
IRIS, LA SEÑORITA CON UN SMARTPHONE, Iris: The Lady and Her Smartphone, 爱丽丝的完美复仇, 아이리스 – 스마트 폰을 가진 레이디
6/13/2023 3:38 AM
Betrayed and murdered by her own husband and family, Iris's life flashes before her eyes - including her previous one in modern times! With this new knowledge, she returns to before she was ever married. Determined to get revenge, Iris seeks help from the most eligible bachelor in the empire, Duke Valenciaga. His unexpected proposition for her: &quot;Go out with me.&quot; Why did he pick her, and can this arrangement help her quest for vengeance?<br/><hr/><strong><u>Portugu&ecirc;s (BR)</u></strong><br/><spoiler>Um marido que trai a esposa com sua prima, sua fortuna inteira declinando &agrave;s ru&iacute;nas, na hora mais desesperadora, Iris, que havia sido apunhalada por todos que amava, voltou no tempo antes de ocorrer todas essas trag&eacute;dias! Como Iris proceder&aacute; com as suas a&ccedil;&otilde;es a partir de agora?</spoiler>
2 year ago
1 year ago