Lazy Dungeon Master

Lazy Dungeon Master

Dungeon master wants to sleep now and forever..., The Dungeon Master That Absolutely Doesn't Want to Work Before Indulging in Laziness, Zettai ni Hatarakitakunai Dungeon Master ga Damin wo Musaboru made, Лени изволит предаваться Хранитель Подземелья — он совершенно не хочет работать!, Ленивый мастер подземелий, 絶対に働きたくないダンジョンマスターが惰眠をむさぼるまで
12/24/2023 8:26 PM
&quot;Come on, kill all those bandits for me already!&quot; <br/>&quot;No thanks. I don't wanna do any work.&quot; <br/>My name is Keima Masuda, and my hobby is spending each day doing exactly nothing... but one fateful night, I was summoned to another world where I met a blonde young girl who I named Rokuko. It seemed that fortune had favored me and I would soon be living a wonderful life free of work. But even though I'm a guy who loves sleeping more than eating, Rokuko demanded that I help her. <br/>&quot;Save my dungeon! By the way, since you're the Dungeon Master, you'll die too if the Dungeon Core is destroyed.&quot; <br/>The dungeon only had one room, and it was already surrounded by bandits. Seriously? It's a checkmate already. I've gotta break out of this impossible situation so I can stop working and just sleep!<br/><br/><hr/><strong><u>French/Fran&ccedil;ais</u></strong><br/><spoiler>Paresseux au possible, amoureux d&rsquo;une bonne nuit de sommeil, me voil&agrave; invoqu&eacute; dans un autre monde par une esp&egrave;ce de loli blonde. Et elle me demande d&rsquo;aller affronter des bandits pour sauver son donjon. Et si jamais ces bandits d&eacute;truisent le c&oelig;ur du donjon, en tant que ma&icirc;tre du donjon, je perdrai &eacute;galement la vie&hellip; Je n&rsquo;ai aucune chance de survivre, ou quoi ? &hellip;Essayons de faire en sorte que je puisse de nouveau ne plus avoir &agrave; travailler !</spoiler><br/><hr/><br/><a href="">Official English Light Novel</a>