Kiraware Majo Reijou to Dansou Ouji no Kon'yaku

Kiraware Majo Reijou to Dansou Ouji no Kon'yaku

Kiraware Majo Reijou to Dansou Ouji no Kon'yaku, 嫌われ魔女令嬢と男装皇子の婚約, The Engagement of the Disgraced Witch and the Cross-Dressing Princess
12/20/2023 2:01 AM
<p>Cursed by others as a "witch", Evris, the youngest daughter of the House of Bradley, is engaged to Mark, the fifth prince of the Kingdom of Klengel. When he abruptly announces that their engagement is broken off, Evris is plunged into despair. However, someone reaches out to her instead... The cross-dressing crown prince (♀) of a neighboring country!?<br/><br/>This is the story of a red-haired witch who manipulates shadows and a cross-dressing crown prince (♀) who is serving as a body double for her missing older brother. <br/><br/>The curtain rises on a fantasy romantic comedy of a girl being teased by a princess!<br/><br/>Serialization began in the July 2023 issue of Yuri Hime.</p><hr/><b>JA</b><p>「魔女」と罵られるブラッドリー家の末娘・イヴリスは、婚約相手であるクレンゲル王国第5王子・マルクに突然の婚約破棄を宣言されていた。絶望のどん底に落とされるイヴリス。しかし、そんな彼女に手を差し伸べるのは…隣国の男装皇太子!?<br/>影を操る赤髪の魔女令嬢と失踪した兄の影武者となる男装皇子。<br/>王子様系女子に翻弄されるファンタジーラブコメ開幕!</p>