Plant Monster Girl Diary

Plant Monster Girl Diary

Minase Guu
Plant Monster Girl Diary, 植物モンスター娘日記 ~聖女だった私が裏切られた果てにアルラウネに転生してしまったので、これからは光合成をしながら静かに植物ライフを過ごします~
1/10/2024 2:24 AM
<p>Who knew that even a stationary plant could be surprisingly capable?!<br/><br/>Our protagonist is a saint—or was, until she was betrayed by one of her fellow saint apprentices as well as her fiancé, a hero. <br/>In her final moments, she recalls her previous life, when she was just a normal Japanese high school girl, but that doesn't help the fact that she's being eaten alive by a massive plant monster.<br/><br/>And yet, by a stroke of luck, she doesn't die for good, but instead reincarnates as said plant monster. With the upper half of a human and the lower half of a plant, she must now spend her life as an Alraune.<br/><br/>And so, she tries to live the peaceful life of a plant, photosynthesizing all day!<br/>Welcome to the diary of a plant girl who just wants some peace and quiet, but something always gets in her way!<br/><br/>[Original Web Novel(jp)](</p><hr/><b>JA</b><p>植物なので動けないんですが、意外となんとかなります!?<br/>魔王討伐の旅の途中、後輩の聖女見習いと婚約者だった勇者に裏切られ、殺されてしまった聖女。<br/>死の間際、日本の女子高生だった前世を思いだすが、役には立たず花のモンスターに食べられることに。<br/>気がつけば、女子高生&聖女の記憶を持ったまま、上半身は人、下半身は植物のモンスター・アルラウネに転生していた。<br/>よし、だったら光合成しながら静かに暮らそう!<br/>平穏無事な日々を望むもそうはいかないモンスター娘の徒然日記。</p>