How to Be God

How to Be God

Dang Shen Bu Rang, 当神不让
12/8/2021 1:40 PM
Yang Jian is exiled into the human realm from the Heavens in order to repent. His former partner, The Howling Celestial Hound, has reincarnated into a young girl. Witness how a barbaric Immortal from the Heavens and his partner move 100 demons to tears.<br/><br/><hr/><u><strong>French/Fran&ccedil;ais</strong></u><br/><spoiler>Yang Jian est exil&eacute; du Ciel dans le royaume humain pour se repentir. Son ancien partenaire, The Howling Celestial Hound, s'est r&eacute;incarn&eacute; en une jeune fille. T&eacute;moignez comment un Immortel barbare du Ciel et son partenaire font pleurer 100 d&eacute;mons.</spoiler><br/><br/><hr/><strong><u>Polski/Polish</u></strong> <br/><spoiler> B&oacute;g wojny, kt&oacute;ry bije nieśmiertelnych jak psy, zostaje za karę zesłany na ziemię. Aby m&oacute;gł wr&oacute;cić do nieba, musi wywołać łzy u całej setki demon&oacute;w. Ale jak poruszyć demona do łez? Wystarczy zbić go jak psa!</spoiler>