Demons Star

Demons Star

Shuji Abe
Demons Star, DEMONS STAR, ヂモソズスター
1/5/2024 3:29 AM
<p>Kokubo Yusuke, 15 years old, is the most unlucky man in the world.<br/>He failed to take the exam due to repeated misfortunes, and the only high school he could enter was Miyato High School, the worst high school in the prefecture.<br/>A fortune teller appears in front of the depressed Kokubo and told him that he would die within three months. The fortune-teller then gave Kokubo the "Future Diary" and disappeared.<br/>In that diary, it is stated that Kokubo suffers from bad bullying and commits suicide. Will Kokubo change his fate?<br/>This is a story of a young man who will gradually becomes a legendary big bang against his will.</p><hr/><b>JA</b><p>世界一運の悪い男・国母雄介15歳。度重なる不運で受験に失敗し、入れる高校は県下一の不良高校・宮東高だけだった。落ち込む国母の前に占い師が現れ、このままだと3ヵ月以内に死ぬと告げられる。困惑する国母に占い師は「未来日記」を渡し、姿を消す。その日記には、国母は不良のイジメを苦に自殺すると記されていて…!? この物語はとてもつなくついてない男がひたすら自分の意に反して伝説の大番長となっていく三年間の軌跡である!!<br/>-*from (*</p>