Teacher Addiction

Teacher Addiction

Teacher Addiction, センセイ依存症
7/15/2023 7:14 PM
<p>A high school girl with a sex addiction is gently (?) raised again by a sadistic teacher? Misao is a high school girl who lives alone. She seems normal at first glance, but she can't stop having sex no matter how hard she tries. The person who buys her one day... is somehow her form room teacher at school!? She's shaking, but the teacher makes an outrageous proposal to her...!? A dark and heart-warming avant-garde romantic comedy interweaving two somewhat shady people.</p><hr/><b>JA</b><p>性依存症のJKを、ドS教師が優しく(?)育て直し!?―美紗緒は一人暮らしの女子高生。一見普通の女の子だけど、どうしてもセックスがやめられない。ある日美紗緒を買ったのは、なんと学校の担任教師だった!?動揺する美紗緒に、先生はとんでもないことを提案して…!?どこか影のある2人が織りなす、ダークでハートフルな新感覚ラブコメ!</p>