Tanbo de Hirotta Onna Kishi, Inaka de Ore no Yome da to Omowareteiru

Tanbo de Hirotta Onna Kishi, Inaka de Ore no Yome da to Omowareteiru

Tanbo de Hirotta Onna Kishi, Inaka de Ore no Yome da to Omowareteiru, 田んぼで拾った女騎士、田舎で俺の嫁だと思われている, I Found a Female Knight in a Rice Field, in the Countryside They Think She’s My Wife
11/29/2023 7:44 PM
<p>Jin Mita, a farmer living in a small countryside town, discovers an unconscious female knight in his rice field one morning. She calls herself Seraphim, and she seems to have come from another world. She has no knowledge of this world and nowhere to go. Unable to bear seeing her like this, Jin offered to take her in, but apparently the people around him think that Seraphim is his wife...!?<br/><br/>A slow life in the countryside begins with a beautiful female knight!</p><hr/><b>JA</b><p>小さな田舎町で農家として暮らす三田仁は、ある朝自分の田んぼに女騎士が倒れているのを発見する。セラフィムと名乗る彼女は、どうやら異世界からやって来たらしい。この世界の知識もなく行き場もない。そんな彼女を見かねて一緒に暮らすことを提案するも、どうやら周りからはセラフィムが俺の嫁だと思われてるようで…!? お日様の下の農作業と新鮮素材のお料理。そして美人女騎士と送る、のんびり田舎スローライフ開幕!</p>
3 month ago