The Descent of the Patriarch

The Descent of the Patriarch

The Descent of the Patriarch, 祖师爷下山, Zǔ Shīyé Xiàshān, Ancestral Visit, The Grand Master Came Down From the Mountain
4/26/2023 6:54 AM
<p>Wudang Mountain, the sacred place of Taoism, is divided into internal and external. It inherits the highest classics of the Great Daoshu. Xie Luo, a modern Taoist, was trained in the heavenly book when he was young. In one fell swoop, he was the best in the northern Quan Zhen, the southern sect of Longhu Shan, the eastern sect, and the western sect of Shushan. The younger generation has been promoted as a contemporary Taoist walking in the world. Unexpectedly, the first task waiting for him is to hunt down the old Taoist walking in the world, who has been missing for many years…</p><hr/><b>ID</b><p>Gunung Wudang, tempat suci Taoisme, memiliki berbagai macam perbedaan internal dan eksternal. Tempat Suci itu mewarisi hal tertinggi di dunia dan Daoshu Agung. Xie Luo, seorang pendeta Tao modern, dilatih di surga ketika dia masih muda. Dalam satu gerakan di Taoisme Wudang, Quanzhen, Maoshan, Longhushan, dan Shushan, lima sekte telah memenangkan gelar generasi muda, dan dipromosikan sebagai sekolah Tao kontemporer. Tanpa diduga, tugas pertama yang menunggunya adalah mencari Tao kuno yang telah hilang selama bertahun-tahun Berjalan di dunia...</p>