Escape Death Island

Escape Death Island

Uncle Bai
Escape Death Island, 逃亡死寂岛, Bertahan Hidup Di Pulau Sunyi, Escape to Silent Island, Fleeing to Island of Deathly Stillness
5/12/2022 11:09 PM
<p>“Enter the Island of Death or die?” As I was skipping school on the rooftop, I was coerced by a creepy clown who appeared out of nowhere. But of course, I choose what anyone else would, The Island of Death. But what I didn’t except, was it to be dangerous. With treacherous foreign pavilions, silent villages, a gloomy looking church… Ugh, just out with it already!<br/><br/>English translations coming soon - BBLOVER</p><hr/><b>ID</b><p>"Mati atau Bertahan Hidup Di Pulau Sunyi?" badut menyeramkan tiba-tiba datang padaku dan memberiku pertanyaan konyol. Tentu saja aku menjawab Bertahan hidup. Lalu setelah itu aku berada di dunia yang sangat aneh. Namun, Pulau Sunyi penuh dengan bahaya, rumah-rumah mewah, dan desa-desa yang sunyi. Bahkan gereja yang suram. Apakah aku mampu bertahan hidup?</p>