The Queen

The Queen

Generation After the Spirit, Generation's Queen Ling, The Empress, The Queen of the Generation, Yidai linghou, Императрица, 一代灵后
2/27/2023 7:21 PM
What is the price to pay for supreme power? Being misunderstood by the world? Carrying the stigma of being a &quot;demon girl&quot;? Killing one's most beloved people? Watch as an orphaned girl of the Spirit people with the ability to predict the future learns to plot in the Imperial Palace, is reborn from her ashes and becomes the Peoples' Empress of the Generation.<br/><br/><strong><em>Notice:</em></strong><br/>TUTU and her amazing team have made this webcomic free for all to read. Which means they are remunerated depending on the number of views &quot;The Queen&quot; gets. If you like the webcomic, please be kind enough as to <a href="">click on this link</a> and give each chapter you've read a scroll as to boost the views. Let us support TUTU and her team together!<br/><br/><strong>[u]French/Fran&ccedil;ais</strong><br/><spoiler>Quel prix faut-il payer pour obtenir un pouvoir absolu?<br/>Faut-il &ecirc;tre mal comprise et rejet&eacute;e par les autres, &ecirc;tre &eacute;tiquet&eacute;e comme une sorci&egrave;re, ou tuer la personne aim&eacute;e?<br/>L'orpheline Lin de Zu a la capacit&eacute; de pr&eacute;dire l'avenir.<br/>Elle va apprendre &agrave; survivre dans le palais et devenir la Reine Ling.</spoiler>