Picking up a School Beauty to Be My Wife

Picking up a School Beauty to Be My Wife

10/5/2023 10:23 AM
<strong><u>English:</u></strong> <br/>One of the China's first secret soldier, Luo Feng returns to the city, becoming the most successful student in Zijing middle school! there are so many school beauties, which one of them can get into his eyes?<br/><br/><strong><u>Portuguese (BR) / Portugu&ecirc;s (BR):</u></strong> <br/><spoiler>Lou Feng, foi um dos melhores soldados secretos da China, ele retornou para a vida na cidade e se tornou o estudante mais talentoso da escola secund&aacute;ria Zijing. H&aacute; tantas beldades na escola, mas qual delas poder&aacute; encher seus olhos?</spoiler>