Wakamono no Kuro Mahou Hanare ga Shinkoku desu ga, Shuushoku shite Mitara Taiguu Iishi, Shachou mo Tsukaima mo Kawaikute Saikou desu!

Wakamono no Kuro Mahou Hanare ga Shinkoku desu ga, Shuushoku shite Mitara Taiguu Iishi, Shachou mo Tsukaima mo Kawaikute Saikou desu!

La magie noire est Dégoûtante, Dangereuse et Dépravée, l'histoire d'une entreprise sympa, remplie de fille mignonnes, Though young people recoil from entering the black magic industry, I found its treatment of employees quite good when I entered it, and the president and familiar are cute too so everything is awesome!, Как же приятно работать в индустрии черной магии!, 若者の黒魔法離れが深刻ですが、就職してみたら待遇いいし、社長も使い魔もかわいくて最高です!, 젊은이들이 흑마법을 기피하는 문제가 심각하지만, 취직해보니 대우도 좋고, 사장님도 사역마도 귀여워서 최고예요
12/13/2023 9:31 AM
Franz is a recent graduate of magic school who is having trouble finding a job - he constantly bungles interviews due to his poor communication skills. With all the major magical jobs out of his reach, there&rsquo;s only one place left for him to go: the industry of black magic. <br/><br/>Known for being Disgusting, Dirty, and Dangerous, Franz is incredibly hesitant to actually enter such a market until he no longer has a choice. With his back to the wall, he talks to the Black Magic Incorporation&rsquo;s CEO, who tells him the truth - black magic has shed its harmful exterior, and has instead become Pure, Pleasant, and Permissive. In short, Black Magic Inc. has actually become a white company. <br/><br/>Join Franz, his Cerberus boss, and his succubus familiar as they get into wacky adventures meeting other magicians, and getting to know them in the biblical sense. <br/><br/>By the author of &quot;I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level&quot; and &quot;I, the Demon Lord, got married to the female hero's mother making her my stepdaughter.&quot;<br/><br/><hr/><u><strong>Portuguese / Portugu&ecirc;s:</strong></u> <br/><spoiler>Franz &eacute; um rec&eacute;m-formado na escola de magia que est&aacute; tendo problemas para encontrar um emprego, ele estraga constantemente suas entrevistas devido a suas habilidades de comunica&ccedil;&atilde;o pobres. Com todas as principais empresas m&aacute;gicas fora de alcance, resta apenas um lugar para ir, a ind&uacute;stria da magia negra. Conhecida por ser insegura, suja e perigosa, Franz se recusa a entrar nesse mercado at&eacute; n&atilde;o ter outra escolha.</spoiler><br/><hr/><u><strong>Spanish / Espa&ntilde;ol:</strong></u><br/><spoiler>Franz es un reci&eacute;n graduado de la escuela de magia que est&aacute; teniendo problemas para encontrar un trabajo; constantemente estropea sus entrevistas debido a sus malas habilidades de comunicaci&oacute;n. Con todos los principales trabajos m&aacute;gicos fuera de su alcance, solo le queda un lugar para ir. La industria de la magia negra. Conocida por ser insegura, impura e inmunda, Franz se reh&uacute;sa a ingresar a ese mercado hasta que ya no le queda otra opci&oacute;n. Entre la espada y la pared, habla con el CEO de la Asociaci&oacute;n de Magia Negra, quien le dice la verdad: la magia negra ha eliminado su da&ntilde;ino exterior y, en cambio, se ha vuelto Pura, Pac&iacute;fica y Permisiva. En resumen, la Asociaci&oacute;n de Magia Negra se ha convertido en una compa&ntilde;&iacute;a blanca. </spoiler><br/><hr/><a href="https://ncode.syosetu.com/n7498dq/">Original Webnovel</a><br/><br/><strong>Volume 7 release: August 2021</strong>
1 year ago