My Apprentice Is Actually the Empress

My Apprentice Is Actually the Empress

My Apprentice Is Actually the Empress, 我的徒弟居然是女帝
1/14/2024 3:15 AM
<p>My Apprentice Is Actually the Empress Qin Tian, the most useless peak master in the sect, becomes entangled with An Miaoling, who is the reincarnation of the female emperor, during a disciple recruitment event. However, soon after An Miaoling joins the sect, she discovers that the so-called useless Qin Tian is merely putting up an act, arousing her immense curiosity as the reincarnation of the female emperor.</p><hr/><b>ID</b><p>Qin Tian, master puncak yang paling tidak berguna dalam sekte, terjerat dengan An Miaoling, yang merupakan reinkarnasi kaisar wanita, selama acara perekrutan murid. Namun, segera setelah An Miaoling bergabung dengan sekte tersebut, ia menemukan bahwa Qin Tian yang disebut tidak berguna itu hanya bersandiwara, membangkitkan keingintahuannya yang sangat besar sebagai reinkarnasi kaisar wanita.</p>