Mage Again

Mage Again

Myeong Rang
Mage Again, 마법사랑해
1/14/2024 10:35 PM
<p>Rangderkessel, the greatest mage of the land, sacrifices his life to seal the king of destruction, Persiadis, in six sacred relics. The relics are distributed among six different hands to be kept safe, and once again, peace is restored. However, when someone begins to collect the relics to resurrect the demon, Rangderkessel awakens from a 600-year slumber as the boy “Ranghae.”<br/><br/>---<br/>- [Webtoon Trailer](<br/>---<br/>- [Official English <Tappytoon> Translation](</p><hr/><b>KO</b><p>만물을 아우르는 마법을 깨우치고도 정작 텅 빈 감정의 소유자였던 위대한 마법사.<br/>파멸의 마왕을 깨우려는 자들과 맞서기 위해 그의 심장이 다시 뛰기 시작했다.<br/><br/>---<br/>- [Webtoon Trailer](<br/>---<br/>- [Official English <Tappytoon> Translation](</p>