Lv2 kara Cheat datta Moto Yuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life

Lv2 kara Cheat datta Moto Yuusha Kouho no Mattari Isekai Life

Kinojo Miya
Chillin Different World Life of the EX-Brave Candidate Was Cheat from Lv2, Chillin’ in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers, Ex-Hero Candidate's, Who Turned Out to Be a Cheat From Lv2, Laid-back Life in Another World, Lv2=∞, LV2からチートだった元勇者候補のまったり異世界ライフ, O ex-candidato a herói, que esteve em lv2, almeja ter uma vida pacífica em outro mundo, The Laid-back Life in Another World of the Ex-Hero Candidate Who Turned Out to Be a Cheat from Level 2, The Laid-back Life in Another World of the Ex-Hero Candidate, Who Got Cheat-level Magic From Level 2, Непринужденная жизнь в другом мире экс-кандидата в герои, оказавшегося читером со 2 уровня, 勇者候补的悠闲的异世界生活
12/10/2023 12:56 AM
Banaza, who was summoned to the magic kingdom of Cryroad as a Hero candidate, was disqualified as a Hero because of his ordinary abilities. He was supposed to be returned to his original world, but due to the magical kingdom's mistake, he became unable to return to his original world. However, the moment he reached Level 2, he acquired every single possible skill and kind of magic, turning him into a super cheat with infinite skills! Despite this, he takes Fenris of the demons as his wife, and fully enjoys his newly-married life with an easygoing smile. He changes his name to Fulio and tries to lead his life quietly, but things are a bit chaotic with the likes of a pet saber, four freeloading female knights, a Majin, and even an ex-Demon Lord. However, even with all of this chaos, he still manages to enjoy his life peacefully.<br/><br/><u><strong>French / Fran&ccedil;ais:</strong></u> <spoiler>Un jour, Banaza a &eacute;t&eacute; invoqu&eacute; dans un autre monde, le Royaume magique de Cryroad en tant que candidat H&eacute;ro&iuml;que. Malheureusement, Banaza f&ucirc;t disqualifi&eacute; des candidats H&eacute;ro&iuml;que car ces statistiques &eacute;taient tr&egrave;s basique. Alors, le Royaume d&eacute;cida de l'emmener loin du ch&acirc;teau car il &eacute;tait inutile. Mais alors qu'il se retrouva tout seul, un ennemi apparu devant lui, avec quelques difficult&eacute;s, il r&eacute;ussit &agrave; vaincre l'ennemi, c'est alors qu'il monta de niveau, mais pas tout &agrave; fait normalement...</spoiler><br/><br/><u><strong>Brazilian Portuguese / Portugu&ecirc;s Brasileiro:</strong></u> <spoiler>Banaza foi invocado ao reino m&aacute;gico de Cryroad como candidato a her&oacute;i. No entanto, por ter especifica&ccedil;&otilde;es como as de uma pessoa comum, ele foi desqualificado e n&atilde;o p&ocirc;de voltar ao seu mundo devido a um erro das pessoas que o invocaram. Sendo apenas n&iacute;vel 2, Banaza obter&aacute; for&ccedil;as al&eacute;m de sua compreens&atilde;o.</spoiler><br/><hr/><strong>Links:</strong><br/><a href="">Author's Twitter</a>