Lady Yang Is In The Special Forces

Lady Yang Is In The Special Forces

Lady Yang Is In The Special Forces, The Magnificent Concubine Yang From a Special Troop, Yáng guìfēi shì tèzhǒngbīng, Великолепная наложница Ян из спецназа, 杨贵妃是特种兵, Yang Guifei Is a Special Soldier
10/4/2022 11:44 PM
<h3>EN</h3><p>A special forces soldier has transmigrated into the body of Lady Yang, destined for greatness on the Imperial throne! Her future husband, Li Longji, is actually a devastatingly handsome and clever man, despite his young age. Watch as the couple plays the fool to gain advantages. Their goal? To have the Great Tang Dynasty wrapped around their fingers.</p><hr/><h3>ZH</h3><p>特种女兵竟穿越为杨贵妃,谁知竟是凤星临世,未来夫君李隆基竟是小狼狗,看夫妻二人如何扮猪吃老虎,玩转大唐!</p>