Hoshi no Koimonogatari

Hoshi no Koimonogatari

ishii yukari
星の恋物語, Love Stories of the Stars, Himitsu (SHIMURA Takako), Love Stories of the 12 Signs of the Zodiac, 千年の孤独 (藤原薫), 秘密 (志村貴子), Secret (SHIMURA Takako), Sennen no Kodoku (FUJIWARA Kaoru), Millenium Lonelieness, My Unexceptional Yesterday, なんでもない昨日の話
4/13/2022 6:53 AM
A collection of stories: - Sennen no Kodoku (Millennium Loneliness) by FUJIWARA Kaoru - A man devotes himself to pray in church. - Himitsu (Secret) by SHIMURA Takako - Magazine editor Nanase sees a poplar tree on the go. That fateful encounter, evokes the memory of a certain secret... - Nandemonai Kinou no Hanashi (My Unexceptional Yesterday) by Itoi Nozo - A woman has a seemingly unremarkable story about a chance meeting.